Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI) has announced the appointment of three renowned Doctors to provide latest and cutting edge solution to complex medical problems by ensuring genuine treatment in a compassionate, dependable and distinctive manner.

Dr. MuffazalLakdawala Director & Chief “ Bariatric, Advanced Minimal Access and Metabolic Surgery:DrMuffazalis one of Asias most eminent Laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeons. He has joined the Fortis group of hospitals as Director  & Chief “ Bariatric, Advanced Minimal Access and Metabolic Surgery, as well as Chairman “ Bariatric Surgery Council. He is the first surgeon in Asia to perform Scar-less Sleeve Gastrectomy Weight-loss Surgery and the only Indian surgeon to perform live bariatric surgeries in almost every country of the continent.

Also, Dr. Lakdawala is the first Indian surgeon to be awarded the prestigious International Centre of Excellence accreditation by the US-based Surgical Review Corporation (SRC).

Dr RanaPatir – Director and Head of Department of Neurosurgery: Dr.RanaPatir to his credit has the unique feat of establishing successful Epilepsy Surgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Skull base surgery, Neurovascular surgery and Spine surgery during his span of 10 years in this profession. Prior to this he served at various senior levels in different hospitals inDelhi.

An accomplished Neurosurgeon, Dr. Rana is an MBBS & M.S. (General Surgery) from AIIMS and have performed complex head & neck procedures and reconstructive surgery in  the specialty unit at AIIMS. Dr. Rana was also a Professor of Neurosurgery at Guwahati Medical College. He has authored several papers and chapters in peer reviewed national and international medical journals and text books.

Dr. Sandeep Vaishya – Additional Director, Neurosurgery: Dr Sandeep is an experienced Doctor, proficient in Intracranial Tumor Surgery, Functional Neurosurgery (DBS), Spinal Surgery and Peripheral Nerve Surgery with special interest in Brachial Plexus injuries and Gamma Knife Radio Surgery. Prior to this he served as a Faculty in the Department of Neurosurgery at AIIMS. He was also the Head of the Department of Neurosurgery in a renowned hospital in Delhi.

He has been awarded the Life Membership Award by Mayo Alumni Association and was a Gold Medalist in medical school. Moreover, he has delivered more than 60 guest lecturers in India and abroad.

Fortis Memorial Research Institute is a multi-super specialty, quaternary care hospital with a comprehensive team of clinicians and patient care programmes, with a strong focus on innovative delivery of healthcare in India.

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