Avesthagen, ICMR join to promote biomedical research in India
Avesthagen Limited, India
Avesthagen Limited, India
A CBay Group company Mirrus Systems recently announced the inauguration of its first India R&D centre here with an initial investment of US$ 1.5 million and also plans to ramp up its headcount to 1,000 by 2010.
France has focused its attention the past two years on electronic and medical nanotechnologies. Support for these technologies continues to be a priority for the government, which has put in place the best research tax credit in Europe for the sector
[This article was published in the April 2008 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]
Organisation and financing of healthcare services in a country depends largely on its economy & socio-political environment
Pharmaceutical firm Suven Life Sciences has signed an agreement with US-based Eli Lilly to collaborate on the pre-clinical research of molecules used in the treatment of Central Nervous System(CNS) disorders.
[This article was published in the March 2008 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]
9 million jobs are expected to be created in the health care industry by 2012. Find out where, why and who stand to gain the most.
On the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of B.M. Birla Heart Research Centre (BMBHRC) receiving the prestigious NABH Accreditation Award, the hospital launched a State-of-the-Art Diabetes Speciality Centre.
[This article was published in the February 2008 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]
The Escorts Heart Institute and Research Center (EHIRC) organized a workshop along with cardiologists, neurosurgeons and neurologists on 18 January to launch the Indian Council of Carotid Intervention(ICCI).
US networking giant Cisco said recently that it plans to establish a research and technology centre at the Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP).
India and other developing countries are set to lobby hard for funding mechanisms to develop medicines,
mostly aimed at neglected diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria, at a forum set up by the World Health Organization or WHO. Developed countries have long maintained that patents are sufficient incentive for innovation.
The firms plan on using advanced technologies to find cheaper ways to discover blockages in the heart, tumours
[This article was published in the December 2007 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]
Melbourne Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research had researchers working across several labs using isolated computing systems that struggled to process the huge amounts of raw data generated. Microsoft worked with partners Dell and Intel, significantly reducing data processing times and simplifying and centralising management of the Institute�s computing environment.