Searching By Keywords Ministry of Health

It took India over 50 years to invest in a public health initiative like NRHM : Keshav Desiraju, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government, India
It took India over 50 years to invest in a public health initiative like NRHM : Keshav Desiraju, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government, India

As the Additional Secretary with Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Keshav Desiraju plays a pivotal role in transforming the public health sector in India. He shared his views on the key challenges that hamper the growth of the Indian healthcare industry and the government’s role in overcoming these challenges in a candid interview with eHEALTH in the sidelines of the Healthcare Leaders’ Forum

Importance of CDSS in Clinical Practice : Dr. Vijayabhaskar Reddy Kandula Physician, St Marks Hospital Salt Lake City, Utah. USA & Dr. Sanjay Deodhar Consultant,  National Rural Health Mission, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India
Importance of CDSS in Clinical Practice : Dr. Vijayabhaskar Reddy Kandula Physician, St Marks Hospital Salt Lake City, Utah. USA & Dr. Sanjay Deodhar Consultant, National Rural Health Mission, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India

[This article was published in the December 2009 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (]

Modern healthcare scenario is a unique synthesis of technology, doctor and patient. The availability and use of medical software technology in clinical decision support was inadequate. However, the latest development in technology including mobile communication and high speed internet connectivity opens up a golden opportunity.
