Dr Shahzad Mirza, Associate Professor, Microbiology, Hospital Infection Control Officer, DYPMCH, Pimpri, Pune shares his views on the various facets required for the creation of a futuristic diagnostic sector.
What is the framework required for the creation of a futuristic diagnostic sector?
The need is to have amalgamation of the clinical data and expertise with IT and AI to ensure easy, speedy and correct information to aid the clinicians for better patient outcome.
Most important of these is Artificial Intelligence. AI has an important role to play in the healthcare offerings of the future. Machine learning is primary capability behind the development of precision medicine. Although current efforts are at providing diagnosis and treatment recommendations in future it might be a multifaceted affair. Already rapid advances of AI in imaging analysis have been made and also, speech and text recognition are already employed for patient communication and their usage will increase further.
How has Digitization and IoT accelerated the pace of innovation in diagnostics?
Digitalization and IoT is sort of a Nitro boost to a car which is not limited to the technology only but also the workflow of transforming that information. It is needed even by any high end machine or equipment to have a desired or better outcome. Recently, we have started to understand this during the pandemic that changes in the digitalization in workflow apart from the technology itself, like automated processes, has increased precision. When applied at a facility, this has made practices more consistent over time.
What are the scope and opportunities in lab automation market for enhancing diagnostics operations management?
Scope should be continual improvement at every opportunity. Automation makes the process easy, decreases the turnaround time and chances of error is also minimised. It also ensures consistent and reproducible results and in turn improves the patients’ and doctors’ confidence.
What are your views on the need for accreditation for ensuring quality testing and outcome?
Accreditation pushes institutions to meet and maintain their high standards. It not only benefits patients, but facilitates organisation with better clinical outcomes, better community coverage and also the healthcare workers.
What are the factors that will drive the change in the diagnostics sector in the coming times?
The emerging and re-emerging diseases, new infections requiring platforms for rapid diagnosis and a inclusion of a predictiveness with AI for the existing diseases is going to play a major role.
What are your business expansions plans to align yourself to the changing sectoral requirements?
We look forward to being associated with many organisations, institutions and groups that provide in depth perspective of these dynamic changes in diagnostics.
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