Uttar Pradesh’s Noida will get a medical device park, which will attract Rs 5,250 crores investment and provide employment to over 20,000 people. The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority or YEIDA has set aside 350 acres of land for the maiden medical device park in the state and the largest in North Indian region.
The Uttar Pradesh government will allot ready sheds to the industries to expedite the production of medical equipment. The medical park will be constructed in two phases. In the first phase, sheds will be constructed on 125 acres of land and in the second phase, they will be constructed on the remaining 225 acres.
Besides, the medical park will host an incubation centre in over five acres of land with the help of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur. The incubation centre will offer startups with various facilities, including business and technical facilities, mentoring and advisory support, early development funds, cooperative spaces, laboratory facilities, networks and relationships.
After the union government’s decision to set up four medical device parks across the country, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath batted Lucknow and Noida as two centres for establishing the parks. Adityanath viewed that exports from the industrial hub of Noida will be easier in future with the launch of the Jewar Airport.
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