The experience industry runs on a different philosophy and the key driving factors are empathy, compassion, ethics, expertise and experience. Bloom Hospital is making a giant leap to serve patients by adapting to the new norms of the Experience Industry by shifting from Patient Satisfaction to Patient Experience. With the X & Y Gen the interface and interaction models are changing, Leveraging ICT and digital platform has become essential, says Raj Shekher Janapareddy, Director, Bloom Hospitals in conversation with Mukul Kumar Mishra of Elets News Network (ENN).
Q Bloom Hospital has created a niche for itself, serving patient with an international standard healthcare services. Tell us about its mission and vision.
We believe in providing quality healthcare services enriched by ethics and expertise. Our mission is to bring back ethics into quality medical care delivery system by embracing best practices enabled by modern technology. Bloom hospital practices preventive over curative healthcare and ensures holistic health to people at large, leveraging ICT and digital platforms.
With the changing world order, we may have to do version 2.0 with our vision too. Vision can no more be static.. it has to be dynamic and adaptive to changing needs.
Q Give us a gist about your offerings & services and tell something distinct about the same which makes you frontrunner in any particular segment.
Our key specialties include Pediatrics, Gynecology & Obstetrics. We cater to the patients’ end-to-end needs in these specialties. The one thing that’s distinct about us is our attitude and approach to serve people with holistic health. We not just listen and address to the chief complaint and the symptoms but try to get to the root causes (why, what, when, how) of the issue and address it. Many of our patients come to us after visiting multiple hospitals and clinics – saying they have recurrent episodes of illness and their relief is temporary.
To name a few: in pediatrics our focus is on the holistic growth & development, wellness. We believe in early detection & prevention, and minimal use of antibiotics, etc.
In gynecology & obstetrics, we focus on normal deliveries. The hospital encourages normal delivery and dissuades couples to opt for C-section surgery. We have long term programmes to support couples with pre & post natal classes, yoga, physio, and nutrition.
The best part is we make the couples participate in these programs together – our team put great efforts to make childbirth a memorable experience. We have painless, epidural, entonox assisted deliveries to it painless.
Q Maternal and child care are considered an important part of healthcare delivery system. What kind of facilities does the hospital provide to patients?
We have out-patient, speciality clinics, minor & day care surgeries, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), and intensive care unit (ICU). In addition, the hospital has other facilities including LDR birthing suites and modern operation theaters.
Q Affordable care is talk of the town and in the wake of costly equipment and other associated expenditure it becomes tough to achieve it practically. How you maintain a balance between quality and affordability in fertility segment?
Affordable is an oxymoron term. It is not clear – affordable for whom? which segment? and the scope? I firmly believe the attitude and approach should change – one should look at TCoT -Total Cost of Treatment – not piece meal. Today there isn’t a way to know the TCoT for the patients or the healthcare providers. They can only provide the individual costs of Consulting / Surgery but not the total.
However at our hospital we look at affordability differently – the levers that drive the cost, include: • AoR: Admit only if required – based on the protocols • Where to admit: Normal room / Ward / ICU? Based on NEWS, UK. • Diagnostics: protocol based orders – specific test what is required. Plus, before giving orders for the test, one has to justify why it is ordered, and what actions will be taken on positive or negative results. • Medication: The hospital suggests only mandatory & essential medication. • LoS – length of stay of patient is determined based on the protocols.
We have been able to achieve the some of the best results, which speak volume about our credibility in this domain. These include least LoS ~ 3 days; Medication ~ 1.2k/ day; Disgnostics ~ 1 k / day, and Re- admissions : < 0.2%.
We have been able to achieve this because of our change in philosophy and more importantly implementing them with the help of best practices & technology Automation & Digitization.
QA section of patients today prefer minimally invasive surgery for any serious ailment as the process is less painful and provide quick recovery. Shed some light on the whole procedure.
The technological developments in the field of minimally invasive surgery have opened up new horizons which have given the surgeons the options to achieve a greater degree of precision, accuracy, reduction in time for surgery, reduction in anesthesia time, and reduction in recovery time etc.
But it should be used where it is needed – backed with rational medical reasoning. There should not be any perception that such surgeries are meant for business class not for economy class. One should understand that minimally invasive surgery may not be always expensive, at times it could be cost-efficient. In the case of ENT tonsilitis, adenoids the cobulation procedure could be a bit expensive but the length of stay reduces to 50 percent. One has to look into the total cost of treatment and not just only the surgery cost. When all factors are taken into account, at times patient finds minimally invasive surgery cheaper than the traditional procedure of surgery.
The new technologies and innovations initially are expensive, but the costs drastically come down depending on the adoption and critical volumes.
Q Do you have any collaboration with the State Governments for any specific projects or any expansion plan in the near future?
Yes, we do work with the State Government along with our partners Healpha, MGHN-UK in the areas of child health, mass gathering, and NCDs.
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