Surendr Singh

Surendr Singh

Surendr Singh
Sr Manager
Mahatma Gandhi University Medical Science & Technology, Jaipur

Transforming Medical Infrastructure

An increased adoption of telemedicine, Hospital Information System (HIS), Electronic Health Records (EHR), mHealth, and web-based services has made digital patient data expand, rapidly transforming medical technology and the availability of technology diagnostic and therapeutic equipment together with changing practice pattern of doctors has revolutionised the way healthcare is being delivered today. Today, medical institutions can store medical images and patient records as electronically, which can be instantly compared to previous images. Today, patient care experiences are top of the mind in the healthcare industry across the globe. Technology is able to modernise medical care, reduce costs, avoid duplicate tests and mechanics manual processes.

Connecting Healthcare via IT

ehealth-magazine-march-issue-2016-49 (1)People and patient are getting benefited by IT. People are using Android and iOS apps for health care tips and they are learning symptoms and expert methods to prevent diseases. Doctor and patients are also using social networks to answer queries of their patients and also to maintain a friendly relationship with his patients. Many types of painful treatment methods are reduced as new machines and procedures are being introduced using IT. Lets consider the example of Endobronchial Ultrasound test, it became very easy for doctors to distinguish between T.B. and lung cancer and there is no need of incision to confirm cancer now. This is just an example how technology has modified the working of doctors to give better and healthy life to their patients.

ehealth-magazine-march-issue-2016-49 (2)IT Investments

We have started telemedicine center for improving rural healthcare with fully digital medical equipment and telemedicine EHR salutation. We are established a full-fledged flesh Department of Telemedicine and Health Informatics. Simultaneously, we started e-Library for medical students. In future, we are going to start a PBX in my hospital for direct interaction with rural patient and doctor without telemedicine room.

In future, we are going to adopt EHR, PACS, mHealth, and web based services for making digital patient data. In the future, I wish to make a fully paperless hospital.

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