Trivitron Healthcare has launched one of the smallest Swizz make 5PDA Haematology Analysers (Mythic 22 OT & Mythic 22 AL). The launch of the products took place in collaboration with Orph©e Medical of Switzerland for exclusive marketing and distribution by Trivitron recently in Chennai. This is one of a kind product in the haematology segment that is smallest, more accurate, economical and has very low maintenance.
The 5 part haematology analyser is a blood cell counter used by pathologists for measuring properties of blood useful in the diagnosis of disease. These instruments quantify, classify and describe cell populations in blood samples. It helps in accurate diagnosis of various blood related disorder and diseases. The new products have many benefits in terms of maintenance and accuracy and help to maintain database of the patients in a system.
Key Features:
- Patented optical system offer true detection of 5 Part of WBC differential through optical measurements
- Detailed morphological flagging of abnormal cells help pathologist to interpret result of patient more accurately
- Inbuilt QC with LJ curve to improve quality control program of lab
- Touch screen operation with user friendly software functions
Mythic 22 differentiates with unique features and latest patented technology:
- OCHF (Optical Cytometer Hydeofocus free)
- Unique only one lyse technology
- True 5part diff by optical measurement
- WBC counting with two measurement principals
- Flagging on detection of abnormal cells
“Trivitron Healthcare is growing tremendously in the medical technology space with our wings spread in imaging and radiology products, diagnostics, critical care products and OT infra products. We are proud to be exclusive partners for this small but powerful haematology analyser and this is a key product for Trivitron and Orph©e Medical of Switzerland. Apart from other key benefits the product is accurate and beneficial in pathology labs for easy and quick diagnosis for customers,” said Vincent Miranda, Director, Sales-Diagnostics, Trivitron Healthcare.
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