Airflow control solutions can be installed and commissioned in an existing healthcare facility with as much ease as in a new upcoming facility

Prateek Vohra,CEO,Technocrats

Critical environments like hospitals need precision airflow control. Without it, there will be higher energy costs and unsafe conditions for staff and patients. Precision airflow control achieves required environment service levels such as temperature, humidity, ACPH (Air Changes Per Hour), polarity/direction of airflow. It is mandatory to have accurate and repeatable control of airflow to reduce spread of airborne pathogens.

Airflow can be categorised broadly as constant air volume (CAV) and variable air volume (VAV). Precision airflow control solutions are available for CAV and VAV applications. CAV applications are those wherein a fixed quantity of air is required at all times to meet the prescribed service levels. These are commonly applications wherein polarity / direction of airflow or ACPH is/are priority. Variable air volume applications allow for varying quantity of airflow to ensure service levels. These are common applications wherein temperature, ACPH (based on occupied/unoccupied status), is/are central to the requirement.

The technical features of the system allow it to be retrofit in existing ducting layouts and even at bends and transitions without requiring straight lengths of ducting. The TAB (testing, adjustments and balancing) / commissioning of thesolution is immediate since the equipment is custom designed and calibrated/configured for the application, prior toshipment of the equipment.
Facilities with a need for critical environment control, as a basic first, can install the venturi valves at the supplyand exhaust of demand side applications such as isolation rooms, operating rooms, in-hospital pharmacies, andpatient rooms in order to ensure precise service levels such as temperature, humidity, ACPH (Air Changes Per Hour),polarity / direction of airflow. Additional equipment can be installed to upgrade the solution to include the entire facilityVenturi valve based airflow control solutions are accurate, repeatable, maintenance-free and energy efficient;they provide reliable space pressurisation, and lead to improvements in infection control and are insensitive to down

stream and upstream disturbances that often upset service levels in a facility. It can incorporate low-leakage shut-offvalves thus permitting gaseous decontamination or HVAC isolation procedures in virtually any space, should theneed arise. It caters to the dynamics of a demanding hospital environment, irrespective of the, often encountered, poorlevels of maintenance of the air delivery system. These valves should control air volume and directional airflow in the critical spaces of healthcare facilities, such as isolation rooms (switchable protective environment or airborne infection isolation), operating rooms, in-hospital pharmacies, and patient rooms designed for pandemic events.

Venturi valve solutions meet all national/international healthcare engineering regulatory requirements set forth bythe American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and Centre for Disease Control (CDC). This makes it simpler for hospitals to gain accreditation like NABH, JCI, LEED.

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