eHEALTH Bureau
Teeth are the newest and the easiest way of obtaining stem cells. ‘Store Your Cells’ is the first dental stem cell bank in India started by dentists at Dhruv Polyclinic, Mumbai.
Parents normally discard milk teeth when they fall out. The same milk teeth and wisdom teeth are a rich source of stem cells. They are easy to obtain and can be stored for as long as required. But Dental stem cell banking is one of the least expensive ways to access and bank one’s own stem cells for future use. It also means these stem cells will be a perfect match for the donor and potentially useful for closely related family members.
Dental stem cells are potent stem cells that have been shown to be able to generate many cell and tissue in bone, nerve, cartilage, teeth and fat. Scientists around the world continue to unlock the potential of dental stem cells, suggesting a very broad range of potential applications in regenerative medicine.
The stem cells are isolated and stored in a state of the science lab for as long as required. The laboratory’s processing and quality control procedures follow the strictest standards in stem cell banking and are AABB accredited (American Association of Blood Banks), FDA registered and compliant, CLIA certified, and licensed by the Department of Health in New York, Massachusetts and California.
The vision of ‘Store Your Cells’ is to give people an opportunity to store dental stem cells easily and be able to cure diseases or conditions that cannot be cured by existing treatments or applications.
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