Enabling HealthcareWith the objective ofproviding gamut ofincubation help, theEnabling HealthcareEntrepreneurship conference wasorganised by TiE Delhi-NCR at IndianHabitat Centre, New Delhi onFebruary 15th, 2013. The event haswitnessed the launch of HealthStartPvt Ltd, an angel organisation focusingto help high potential healthcareand wellness start-ups seeking seedstage investments to make their visiona reality.

HealthStart promises to enablesuccessful healthcare entrepreneurshipin the country. HealthStartpromoters are distinguished namesfrom the world of healthcare, variousindustries, entrepreneurs andsenior utives, venture capitaland private equity with proven trackrecord and other relevant fields.Pradeep K Jaisingh, Founding Chairman-HealthStart, Vivek Jetley, RajAirey, Anil P Gupta, Suhail Chanderare the Founding Partners of Health-Start in India.

The conference saw eminentspeakers from the healthcare industrywith names like Ajay Kumar Vij:Co-Founder & CEO, Asian Health CareFund, ex-CEO Dabur Pharma, SunilBaijal, MD, Futures First, SameerMaheshwari : Founder HealthKart-Indias Premier e-Healthcare storeand many more. The seminar wasable to evoke thoughts on HealthcareEntrepreneurship – Opportunities &Challenges in India Healthcare System, Encouraging Frugal Innovation& Entrepreneurship: Findingthe Jugaad for the India Healthcaresystem. The event has also showcasedsuccessful healthcare businessmodels.

Pradeep K Jaisingh, FoundingChairman, HealthStart stated Withina span of last few years the healthcaresector in India has undergonea paradigm shift and has becomehighly visible in the last few years.Indias economic growth and rapidurbanisation is bringing with it anexpected health transition in termsof shifting demographics, increasingability to afford quality healthcareand demand for quality healthcareservices with easy access. At thesame time India has the most inequitablehealthcare scenario wheregood quality affordable medicaltreatment is not available to most ofits population. This in turn providesincomparable opportunity to makea direct positive impact on peopleslives and also simultaneously presentsan incredibly attractive businessopportunity to people with ideasand a vision.

We believe that although thereare a lot of entrepreneurs who areinterested in the segment and wantto start a company, but there is notsufficient support structure to enableand turn their business into asuccessful business

This he explained was the ideabehind HealthStart. Its objective isto help build an eco-system that canenable strong entrepreneurial systemin healthcare and make a directpositive impact on peoples lives inIndia

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