The Care Group of Hospitals owned by Quality CareIndia Limited (QCIL) acquired a five-star hotel premisesat Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, in 2000 and converted itinto 200 bed multi specialty hospital. Today, the hospitalstands tall with 430 beds, including 120 criticalcare beds, with annual inflow of 1, 80,000patients for consultations, and 16,000 patients for
admission. Care Hospital, The Institute of MedicalSciences, Banjara Hills, comprises contemporaryaccommodation facilities ranging from generalwards to super deluxe rooms.

In an interview with eHEALTH, Rajendra Kumar,Chief of Business Development, Care Group ofHospitals, talks about the recent developments atthe hospital. Excerpts:

What are the highlighting features ofCare Hospital, Hyderabad?

Today, Care Hospital, Hyderabad,has a host of specialists and super specialistswith minimum 500 years ofcumulative experience. The team ofspecialists and super-specialists hasconquered several milestones in thefi eld of medical sciences like the firstteam to conduct angioplasty in Indiain 1985, to develop the coronary stent(Kalam-Raju Stent) in India, to launchtelemedicine services in the state of AP,to perform cardiac MRI in the countryand to perform robotic cardiac surgeryin South India.

Care Hospital, Hyderabad, is oneof the few centers in India equippedwith complete cardiac imagingservices. These cardiac imagingservices include cardiac MRI, cardiacCT, nuclear cardiology and 2D and 3Dechocardiography.

Care specialists are exclusivelyinvited to attend internationalconferences and seminars torepresent India. Medtronic, a medicaldevice manufacturing company, hascrowned Care Hospital, Hyderabad, asa Centre of Excellence in implantingdevices, such as, pacemakers andothers.

Care Hospital has installed the firstdual source CT in South India withan exclusive team of certifi ed cardiacimaging specialists.

Care Hospital has achieved severalmilestones in the past 12 years like5,00,000 OP consultation per year,35,000IP/admissions per year, 4000cardiac surgeries per year, 10,000cardiac catheterisations per year, 1500cardiac interventions per year and9000 non-cardiac surgeries per year.The hospital is known as the mecca of
echocardiography in India.

Could you brief us about the newinitiatives being undertaken bythe hospital in the areas of patientcare, adoption of new technologies,Health IT and enhancing the quality of medical facilities?

Care Hospital, Hyderabad, hasundertaken various initiatives at alllevels for the benefi t of patients as wellas to improve the quality of medicalfacilities offered. The hospital carriesout a complete identifi cation of thepatient prior to any procedure ormedication administration. Monitoringof infection control practices as wellas patient care bundles have beenimplemented to prevent the spreadof various infections. To minimise thescope of any error, the hospital promotesreporting of incidents and medicationerrors, and takes preventive measuresand corrective actions. The hospital hasimplemented a time motion study tounderstand, analyse and take adequatemeasures to reduce the dischargetime of patients. In terms of adoptionof new technologies, the hospitalis exploring the implementation ofelectronic medical records of patients.Also, some projects are in the pilotstage which include feedback formsanalysis module and module toassign tasks and follow up on the actiontaken regarding particular tasks. Forbetter direction flow in the hospital,Care is displaying signage boards atvarious areas. It is also implementingvalet parking for easy entry intothe hospital.

In which domains does the hospitalplan to expand?

The hospital is currently planningthe expansion of PDC (Pharmacy,Diagnostic & Consultations) clinicsacross the city of Hyderabad, homehealth care and telemedicineconnections.

Are there any programs or schemes, atpresent or in the pipeline, to provideaffordable health care facilities to thecommon man?

In the past, we have performedfree of charge heart surgeries on poorchildren through donations andhospital charity.We have taken careto keep our tariff affordable for thepoor people. Also, we run a SmileTraining Programme to offer cleft lipand pallet surgeries free of charge topoor people.

Where do you see Care Hospital in theemerging Indian health care industryin Asia?

We want Care Hospital to emerge asthe best health care institute knownfor practicing medicine as it should be practiced, and the best medicalknowledge sharing center.

What, according to you, is a must-doreform needed in the Indian healthcare system?

The way Andra Pradesh Government isproviding health insurance to patientsliving below the poverty line throughArogyasree scheme, the other stategovernments should also providesimilar facilities to the poor.

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Related July 2009
